Shared Strength through WPPI Energy

Crews will be out flushing hydrants

Columbus Utilities crews are starting their routine yearly flushing program where they are required to flush hydrants throughout the city per the DNR. Where the crews will be flushing there will be water running down the gutter and flowing into the streets. Customers may see some rusty looking water. If this is the case, please remove the screens on your faucets and let the water run until clear. If you have any questions, please call Columbus Utilities at 920-623-5912. Thank you for your cooperation.


Choose Renewable Sign Up Form

To sign up for Choose Renewable, simply fill out the form below. There is no special equipment to install and no change to the way you receive or use energy. You can start or stop your participation at any time, and you can use as many blocks of renewable energy as you like.

Or, if you prefer you can download the sign-up form and return in the mail with your next bill payment.


Contact Information

Number of Blocks You Wish to Order

   (Current Choose Renewable participants, enter additional blocks you wish to order.)

Enter the total number of renewable energy blocks (at $2.00 each per month) you wish to order. Each block is equal to 300 kWh. Current Choose Renewable participants, enter additional blocks you wish to order.