Detailed information on our current electric and water rates can be found below:
Current Residential & Small Commerical Service Rates
Current Large Power Industrial & Large Facility Service Rates
New Water Rates-effective 2-1-2024
Customer Bill of Rights
Columbus Utiltities is regulated by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. You can read your rights as a municipal utility customer by downloading a copy of the WPSC Customer Bill of Rights.
Energy Assistance Program
For some customers, including seniors on fixed incomes, energy expenses can be a financial burden. Our local Energy Assistance Program is designed to help income-qualifying households cover their energy costs and reduce the financial burden they face.
Nights & Weekends Smart Plan
Did you know that you have electric rate options in Columbus? With our optional residential Nights & Weekends Smart Plan, you can lower your bill by using electricity wisely and at the right time.
Does this rate make sense for me? You can run an analysis through our MyAccount tool. Simply click the "Compare Your Rates" widget in your electric account.
Are you ready to sign up? We have an online signup form!