Shared Strength through WPPI Energy

Crews will be out flushing hydrants

Columbus Utilities crews are starting their routine yearly flushing program where they are required to flush hydrants throughout the city per the DNR. Where the crews will be flushing there will be water running down the gutter and flowing into the streets. Customers may see some rusty looking water. If this is the case, please remove the screens on your faucets and let the water run until clear. If you have any questions, please call Columbus Utilities at 920-623-5912. Thank you for your cooperation.


Water Department

The Columbus Water Utility is composed of three operating wells, two treatment plants, two in-ground reservoirs, and one elevated tower.  The combined capacity of the treatment plants is 2,500,000 gallons per day, of softened, iron-filtered water.  Fluoride, chlorine and orthophosphate are added to the water just prior to leaving the treatment plants. At the end of 2022, the utility served 2,396 customers in Columbus, with sales of 113,293,000 gallons.

Meter Reading & Billing

Columbus Utiltities has converted from touch read meters to advanced metering. With touch read meters, crew members collect usage data from your water meter with a hand held device. Our data collection devices read your meter and store that information in a format that is then downloaded into our billing software to help produce your monthly billing statement. The new advanced meters use cutting-edge technology to capture and automatically transmit water usage data, negating the need for Utiltiy staff to read the meters manually every month. This allows Utility staff to better utilize their time by providing other high value services for our customers.

Click here for FAQs about advanced metering.

View our Residential, Commercial and Industrial Water Rates

Water Quality

The Columbus Utilities routinely monitors the city’s drinking water according to Federal and State regulations. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. We want you to understand the efforts we make to continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water resources. We are committed to ensuring the quality of your water.

View our most recent Water Quality Report

If you have any questions about this report, or concerning your water utility, please contact us at 920-623-5912.

PFAS Statement

Lead Public Education Program for Municpal Water Systems

View-Important information about Lead in your drinking water

If you would like to find out if you have a lead service lateral please call our office at 920-623-5912 and we will come to your residence at your convience at no charge to investigate your lateral.

  • Private Lead Service Line Program

                     Licensed Plumbers/Utility Contractors Submittal Sheet